Capitolo 576

Il Grande Pirata Edward Newgate

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  1. 1Cocktail4u

    User deleted

    Ah, ecco i dialoghi, meno male.

    Adesso abbiamo anche il nome del quarto prigioniero di ID arrivato insieme a BN: Abalo Pizarro. Sembra quasi italiano. Chissà perché lo chiamano "Il Re Corrotto" ?? E poi perché miagola? xD

    Vasco: *glug glug hic* Can I kill all of them?

    Abbiamo un sadico qui.

    Laffitte: Hohohoho...Forgive me, it's very elementary sir. Before we left, I went to the contrl room and put hypnotized the marine there. That if they see any marine ship, to let it pass through.

    Laffitte è in grado di ipnotizzare la gente??

    Qui adesso abbiamo la certezza assoluta che BN è diventato un membro della flotta solo per poter arrivare ad ID indisturbato.

    Whitebeard: TEEEAACH!!!


    Blackbeard: Kuromizu (Black Water)!!! Zehahahaha!!! see? You can't cause any more earth qua.....
    *Whitebeard simply thrusts his polearm at Teach*
    Blackbeard: !!!! Owaaaaa!!!! Haaaa!!!!! Damn, that hurts, damn!!!
    Whitebeard: Overconfidence and carelessness... is yoru weakness....
    Blackbeard: Eh!!? Hey... stop, don't!!!
    Blackbeard: Gyaaaa!!! Stop pops!!! I'm your son!! You don't seriously mean to kill.... AAAAAAAHHH!!!
    Blackbeard: a....ah...... You.... you monster!!! You're on the verge of death!! Yet you still refuse to die..!!!
    Men, do it!!!!

    Whitebeard: You're not the one Roger is waiting for... Teach, not you.

    Quindi Roger desiderava che ad arrivare allo One Piece fosse qualcuno non come Teach.

    one of these days, someone will appear with the burden of the centuries on their back, and declare a battle onto the world

147 replies since 3/3/2010, 18:15   4965 views